Welcome to the September 2024 issue of Credit Insurance News Digest. Our sponsor this month is Tinubu.
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PLUS: Foundations for Success in new credit insurance ventures. This month's featured article by Tinubu.
Credit Insurance News
"A small but noteworthy number" of Berne Union members expect short-term trade credit insurance claims to increase, and some members report fewer renewals. The Berne Union's (BU) Business Confidence Index for H2 2024 reveals that, although the sentiment towards expected claims remains relatively stable, "a small but noteworthy" number of members believe that claims under short-term policies will increase in the second half of the year. In addition, ​some BU members report they are experiencing fewer client renewals because clients have either shifted their focus to domestic sales or no longer see the value in paying premiums for short-term credit and political risk coverage after a prolonged period of limited non-payment issues. They expect this trend to continue. To read the BU's report, go to https://www.berneunion.org/Articles/Details/896/Business-Confidence-Index-H2-24-Published.​​
How do trade credit insurance and surety prove their worth in challenging times? ICISA Insider has published an article in which Daniel de Búrca, Head of Policy and Regulatory Affairs at ICISA, examines how trade credit insurance (TCI) and surety prove their worth in challenging times. He notes that increased demand for the kind of protection provided by TCI and surety saw strong growth throughout 2023. TCI saw premiums peak at EUR 8.2 billion, an increase of 5% on the previous period. This translated to an insured exposure amounting to EUR 3.2 trillion – up 4.5% on the year before. Insurers also "proved to their customers what the point of insurance is – by paying claims." TCI saw a "modest, yet also meaningful" increase in claims of 11.4% – a total of EUR 3.2 billion being paid back into the economy. Daniel also suggests that these statistics don't show the many cases where ICISA members stepped in and supported customers before losses could occur. To read ICISA's article, go to https://icisa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/0_The-ICISA-Insider-July_spreads.pdf.
Demand for short-term credit insurance remains strong. The Berne Union's latest State of the Industry 2023 publication notes that, although short-term trade credit insurance business expanded at a slightly slower pace than before, emerging evidence suggesting that high volatility at the start of 2023 led clients to take out larger credit lines that may have gone underutilised by the end of the year. Overall, demand remained strong, with trade turnover covered by BU members outpacing underlying trade at +6% (USD 2.8 trillion) due to high demand from new and existing clients. Looking at a country breakdown of new business, notable gains and losses included: Portugal (+45%), Saudi Arabia (+27%), Indonesia (+21%) and Egypt (-11%). However, the dominance of established markets like the US, Germany, Italy, France, and the UK remains, as they still contribute a significant share (roughly one-third) of all new business. To read the report, go to https://www.berneunion.org/Publication/reports.
Brown & Brown acquires CI Group. Insurance Business has reported that Brown & Brown (Europe) Limited has acquired 100% of the share capital of The CI Group Holdings Ltd, a specialist in trade credit insurance solutions. Established in 2000, CI Group offers credit insurance solutions for banks and commercial lenders through its E-Bonded technology platform. The company also provides access to debtor insurance for UK SME businesses. CI Group currently protects over £6 billion of trade turnover in the UK and internationally, serving clients with annual turnovers ranging from £250,000 to £250 million. Following the acquisition, CI Group will continue to be led by its founder and managing director, Mark Toulmin, who will collaborate with Steve Stennett, CEO of Xenia Broking, to further develop their platform and service offerings for lenders and SMEs. To read Insurance Business' article, go to https://www.insurancebusinessmag.com/uk/news/breaking-news/brown-and-brown-swoops-for-trade-credit-specialist-ci-group-500203.aspx.
Factoring and trade credit insurance: A partnership for financial resilience. Trade Finance Global (TFG) and FCI have published a whitepaper that explores "the symbiotic relationship" between factoring and credit insurance in international trade finance. The whitepaper also outlines challenges in the current market – including poor information flow, cumbersome onboarding processes, and high premiums in some regions – and explores how technological advancements like automation, digitisation, and centralised data repositories can address these issues. A case study of Germany, where 95% of factoring is covered by insurance, provides insights into successful integration strategies. The whitepaper also discusses the impact of regulatory changes, such as Basel III and IV, and proposes some next steps for building a resilient financial ecosystem. To download the whitepaper, go to https://www.tradefinanceglobal.com/editions/factoring-credit-insurance-partnership-2024.
Trade credit market: Key carrier results. Aon's H1 2024 Market Insights Report notes that the largest trade credit carriers' 2023 results continued the trend of strong operating performance based on high levels of business retention and new business activity. However, although the largest trade credit carriers in 2023 experienced lower-than-expected claims overall and claims severity below average historic levels, the tide has now turned – evidenced by an increased frequency of notifications of potential loss. Aon's report also notes that overall revenue for the largest carriers increased between 4% and 9% in 2023, with a slowdown towards the end of the year. Other market participants reported double-digit growth, although these insurers have a much lower premium base. The premium rate change on Q1 2024 renewals was flat to soft, driven by competition for both new and renewal business. To download Aon's report, go to https://www.aon.com/en/insights/reports/h1-2024-market-insights-report.
Atradius reports a 59% drop in payment claims for the food and drink sector in the UK. Harpers has reported that Atradius has reported a 59% decrease in claims for late or failed payments in the food and drink sector between May 2023 and May 2024. Georgios Panzaris, Senior Underwriter at Atradius, noted that, despite the cost-of-living crisis, demand in the food sector has remained relatively strong. Falling material and utility costs combined with high sale prices have improved profits for many food companies. "Demand in the food sector has remained relatively strong despite the cost-of-living crisis. This is the main message we have been getting from most companies we have spoken with, and not something we have seen before," said Panzaris. To read Harper's article, go to https://harpers.co.uk/news/fullstory.php/aid/33011/Atradius_reports_59_25_drop_in_payment_claims_for_food_and_drink_sector.html.
AU Group warns that global growth remains "relatively stagnant". AU Group's latest G-Grade for Q3 2024, which summarises over 140 country risk assessments by Allianz Trade, Atradius, Coface and Credendo, warns that global growth is expected to reach 3.2% in 2024 (according to the IMF) and remains "relatively stagnant". In Europe, growth is expected to be moderate, with marked disparities between countries. Activity will be sluggish in several major economies, including Germany (1.3%), France (1.4%) and Italy (0.7%), while Spain should see better growth (2.1%). In the US, economic growth is slowing, with GDP growth projected at around 1.9% (vs. 2.5% and 2.7% in 2022 and 2023). Meanwhile, the Chinese economy in 2024 is showing signs of recovery but still faces several significant challenges. To download AU Group's report, go to https://www.au-group.com/au-g-grade-q3-2024/.​​​​​​​​
Private trade credit insurers are "significantly more pessimistic" than public providers about the outlook for the export credit market. The Berne Union's (BU) Business Confidence Index for H2 2024 indicates that the majority of BU members anticipate a stable short-term export credit market, with 60% of members expecting to see no change in demand over the next six months. However, private insurers were significantly more pessimistic — half of those expecting a slowdown in demand were from this group. Pessimism primarily stems from the challenging market environment shaped by tense geopolitical dynamics, which are likely to intensify ahead of the US elections. Additionally, lower commodity prices and a slowdown in international trade are exerting downward pressure on insured turnover, as clients insure smaller volumes. To read the BU's report, go to https://www.berneunion.org/Articles/Details/896/Business-Confidence-Index-H2-24-Published.
​Allianz Trade and BPL launch API integration to streamline insurance enquiry data. Trade Finance Global (TFG) has reported that BPL and Allianz Trade have launched a collaboration to transform how underwriters and brokers share enquiry data using API integration via the independent digital trading platform Whitespace, a Verisk business. Currently, the market generates an estimated 10,000+ enquiries annually, requiring underwriters to manually input data from diverse, unstructured formats. By establishing a standardised framework for typical non-payment insurance enquiries, Allianz Trade and BPL have created a system that allows insurers and brokers to exchange enquiry data instantly and seamlessly between their own systems via Whitespace. Following a successful proof of concept, the initiative is now live. To read TFG's article, go to https://www.tradefinanceglobal.com/posts/allianz-trade-bpl-launch-api-integration-streamline-insurance-enquiry-data/.​​​​
​​​Insolvencies are above pre-pandemic levels in most advanced economies. Aon's H1 2024 Market Insights Report predicts that the world economy will see growth of 2.2% in 2024 – marking the third consecutive year of slowdown. Indicators point to a marked slowdown in the US and stagnation in the Eurozone. Excluding the pandemic and the financial crisis of 2008-2009, Aon advises that there has not been a comparable slowdown in global activity since 2002. In 2024, given the sluggish performance of the Eurozone, the US, and China, emerging economies are expected to account for three-quarters of overall global GDP growth. Furthermore, and as expected, Aon notes that a broad-based rebound in business insolvencies has continued in 2024, with insolvencies above pre-pandemic levels in most advanced economies. To download Aon's report, go to https://www.aon.com/en/insights/reports/h1-2024-market-insights-report.
Bond & Credit Company and Marsh resist trader's claim over Rhodium, Longview collapse. GTR (Global Trade Review) has reported, in a "sprawling case" that has also "dragged in broker Marsh", that Bond and Credit Company (BCC) has denied it should pay €18 million to a commodity trader for unpaid debts following the collapses of traders Rhodium and Longview. Triumph Global filed a lawsuit against BCC last year, attempting to recover funds due from four commodity trades with Rhodium and another with Longview. In defence filings, BCC suggests that Triumph's claim is not valid because the trades were part of a string of back-to-back sales, and Triumph did not take physical possession of the goods as required by the policy wording. BCC's defence also argues that, because the Rhodium and Longview invoices were discounted by a third-party factoring company, no insured debt exists. To read GTR's article, go to https://www.gtreview.com/news/asia/insurer-broker-resist-traders-claim-over-rhodium-longview-collapse/.
WICI (Women in Credit Insurance) spotlight on Jane Hull. ICISA has published an interview with Jane Hull, Director of Underwriting and Operations at Tokio Marine HCC. Jane is one of the founding board members of WICI and has worked in the credit insurance and surety industry for thirty years. Jane notes that attracting new businesses and sectors to the trade credit insurance market probably remains the biggest challenge, followed by technology. "Credit Insurance has come a long way since the paper processes I experienced 30 years ago, but there is still a lot that can be done in this space. Whilst insurers may have the appetite to move to more tech-based products, customers don't seem as keen, especially in the SME segment and the high cost remains a barrier." To read ICISA's article, go to https://icisa.org/news/wici-spotlight-on-jane-hull/.
Almost 70% of all European countries will be above pre-COVID bankruptcy levels by the end of this year. Allianz Trade has advised that nearly 70% of all countries will be above pre-pandemic bankruptcy levels by the end of this year, and bankruptcy levels are, in some instances, much higher than anticipated. For example, earlier this year in Belgium, Allianz Trade predicted a bankruptcy increase of +6% for 2024. However, halfway through this year, the score already stood at +11% y/y. Similarly, in Sweden, a rise of +9% was expected for the year; so far, the increase is +58% y/y. Germany was forecast to rise +13% in 2024; now, Allianz Trade assumes +21% for 2024. Notable other risers in Europe are (mid-2024, y/y), Austria (+27%), Ireland (+25%), France (+21%) and Italy (+20%). Better performers are Denmark, where there are sharp declines (-21%), and, to a lesser extent, the UK (-1%). To read Allianz Trade's article, go to https://www.allianz-trade.com/en_BE/news/latest-news/number-bankruptcies-higher-than-expected.html.
Atradius' industry weather performance chart is now available. Atradius has published an Industry Performance Forecast for August 2024 to provide a snapshot of the credit risk situation and business performance of fifteen major industries in over thirty markets. Atradius notes that some of the main changes since March 2024 include the Construction/Construction Materials market in Asia, which has seen Hong Kong, Thailand, and Japan marked down from Fair to Poor, while in the Philippines, the construction sector is expected to grow by 7% in 2024. In the Machines Engineering market in Europe and Asia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland have been rated down from Fair to Poor. To read Atradius' news release with a link to an industry weather performance chart, go to https://atradius.co.uk/reports/industry-trends-industry-performance-forecast-august-2024.html.
Podcast: BPL on the role of DFIs and CPRI across emerging markets. To discuss the growing prominence of credit and political risk insurance (CPRI), Harry McIndoe and Sean Austin, Directors at BPL, joined Brian Canup in Trade Finance Talks to break down the market and discuss its utilisation by development finance institutions (DFIs) and multilateral development banks (MDBs). The podcast notes that BPL's portfolio size of $83 billion has grown by approximately 100% since 2019, reflecting a significant widening in usage by existing market clients, including DFIs and regulated banks, investors or corporates, and newer buyers. Of the $83 billion, 70% is Medium- and Long-Term credit risk, including sovereign and private non-payment. Durations range from 12 months to 23 years. 14% comprises political risk insurance. 16% is trade credit insurance. Using BPL's portfolio size as a proxy for the wider market, its 15-20% estimated market share provides insight into how the broader market is characterised. To listen to the podcast, go to https://www.tradefinanceglobal.com/posts/podcast-s2-e19-bpl-role-dfis-cpri-across-emerging-markets/.
Compared to the pre-Covid period, most sectors are still below 2019 despite the recovery in ratings. Allianz Trade's latest Sector Atlas report for 2024 advises that, while 87% of its sector ratings fall into the 'Medium' or 'Sensitive' risk categories, there is notable variation in risk levels between regions, with Asia generally being safer and Latin America being more at risk. In terms of industries, pharmaceuticals and software & IT services tend to have stronger ratings, while construction, textiles, and metals are considered riskier. Changes in ratings over the last four quarters point to several sectors (household equipment, chemicals, construction, and textiles) standing out with an overall negative balance. In contrast, the recovery in ratings proved to be substantial in the auto sector, transportation, and machinery equipment. But this is not a surprise since those sectors were the ones most downgraded after the onset of the pandemic. To read Allianz Trade's news release, with a link to the full report, go to https://www.allianz-trade.com/en_global/news-insights/economic-insights/sector-atlas-2024.html.
Data indicates a sizeable drop in UK company insolvencies in the food and drinks sector. Tokio Marine HCC's (TMHCC) latest UK Food and Drinks Sector report suggests that generally improving economic conditions are mirrored by sectoral confidence indicators. The State of Industry Report Q1 2024, produced by the Food and Drink Federation, shows growing optimism amongst survey respondents. Generally, larger companies (turnover > £500 million) were more upbeat about the operating environment in Q1, but SMEs were also increasingly optimistic. Furthermore, credit risk is likely to fall in 2024, with recent data showing a sizeable drop in company insolvencies in the food and drinks sector from January to May 2024. To read TMHCC's news release, with a link to the full report, go to https://www.tmhcc.com/en/news-and-articles/thought-leadership/trade-credit-uk-food-and-drink-sector-report-2024.
Coface sees €142.3 million net income in H1 2024. Reinsurance News has reported that Coface has published its H1 2024 results. Commenting on the full results, Xavier Durand, Coface's Chief Executive Officer, noted: "In line with our strategic priorities, our service revenues (information services, debt collection) once again recorded double-digit growth, limiting the decline in our overall turnover to 3.1%. Our combined ratio was resilient at 63.4%, an excellent level . . . our net income rose once again, to €142.3 million, which corresponds to a return on average tangible equity of 15.3%, well above our mid-cycle targets. Our solvency ratio remains very high, at 195%, which provides our clients with a high level of security while enabling us to seize growth opportunities as they arise." To read Reinsurance News' article, go to https://www.reinsurancene.ws/coface-sees-e142-3mn-net-income-in-h124-welcomes-rathman-to-board/.
Congratulations to:
Allianz Trade won the Best Trade Credit Insurer award for the third consecutive year at the International Trade and Forfaiting Association (IFTA) Insurance Awards 2024.
Sian Aspinall, Managing Director of BPL Global, has been appointed as a board member of International Trade and Forfaiting Association (ITFA). In an interview following her appointment, Sian noted that her challenge is to increase ITFA’s membership on the insurer and broker side, as well as look at how new technologies can be adopted to support trade flows.
Company Watch has announced that it has become certified as Google Cloud Partner, enabling it to use its infrastructure to "supercharge" its offer. This includes enabling real-time analytics on large datasets with BigQuery, streamlining the handling and storage of vast data sets, and using machine learning to give clients a competitive edge in financial risk management. For more information, go to https://blog.companywatch.net/resources/company-watch-is-now-a-google-cloud-partner. ​​​
Good Luck to . . .
Derek Barnett, Director of W. Denis Credit Risks Ltd, who, despite vowing never to attempt it again, will be cycling from Lands End to John O'Groats in aid of Cancer Research UK.
Derek writes: "The event starts from Lands End on Saturday, September 7th, 2024, and covers 969 miles over nine days of cliff tops, moorlands, hidden roads, and soaring mountains across 23 Counties of England, Wales, and Scotland. By the time I reach John O'Groats on Sunday, September 15th, I will have cycled twice the height of Everest, averaged over 100 miles a day, burned over 50,000 calories, and been eaten alive by midges in the Highlands." If you can help Derek make a difference, please consider donating to his JustGiving page at https://www.justgiving.com/page/derek-barnett-1691055751586.
The Surety Team at Allianz Trade in the UK and Ireland (Yasmin Conneely, Hannah Wells, Penny-Fay Evans, Sonny Skulnick, Mark Rogers, James Price, Saorla Burke), who are taking on the 3 Peaks Challenge in September and raising money for Barnardo's. If you are able to help the team make a difference, please consider a donation to their JustGiving page at https://www.justgiving.com/page/yasmin-conneely-1717775048615.
New Appointments
Allianz Trade in the UK & Ireland has made two promotions:
Jamie Drummond has been promoted to the position of Commercial Underwriting Manager. Jamie has been with Allianz Trade for just over ten years. His most recent role was Senior Commercial Underwriter.
Holly Pugh has been promoted to Major Account Manager, Broker Distribution. Holly has been with Allianz Trade for over thirteen years, most recently as an Account Manager, SME Broker Distribution.
Aon has made several new appointments:
Sinead Wolfe has joined Aon as Business Development Specialist, Credit Solutions in Ireland. Sinead previously worked for LHK Group as a Business Development Specialist.
​David Marchant has been promoted to Executive Director at Aon Credit Solutions. David has been with Aon since 2019 and was most recently employed as Client Director. He has also worked for Gallagher, Marsh and Coface.
Maia Busby-Dawson has been promoted to Senior Client Manager, Global Trade Credit at Aon. Maia has worked for Aon for just over two years as a Client Manager. Prior to joining Aon, Maia worked for PIB Insurance Brokers and Atradius.
Atradius has made two new appointments:
Fredrik Ådén has rejoined Atradius as Global Country Manager for Sweden. Previously, Fredrik worked for Marsh as a Client Executive for just over three years. Prior to that, Fredrik worked for Atradius as a Senior Account Manager.
Emma Lienhardt has been promoted to Quebec Regional Manager at Atradius. Emma has worked for Atradius for the past ten years, most recently in London as Trade Credit & Political Risk Underwriter, Special Products.
AU Group has announced the appointment of Vivien de Lassée as Chairman of the Group and the arrival of Louis Bollaert as Chief Executive Officer. Vivien, previously Chief Executive Officer, succeeds Baudouin de Thoré who will remain a member of the Strategic Committee. Louis joins AU Group from Descartes Underwriting, where he was Chief Revenue Officer.
Bondaval has announced that Paul Collier has been appointed Group VP of Risk Underwriting, reporting to Ewa Rose, Group CUO. Paul most recently spent fifteen years at Centrica as Senior Credit Risk Manager. Before that, he worked at Atradius for five years.
Coface has promoted Stephane Sournat to Country Manager for MAWECA (Maghreb, Western and Central Africa). Stephane has worked for Coface for more than ten years, most recently as Chief Operations Officer for Northern Europe.
Gallagher has appointed Tim Chance as the new Managing Director of Trade Credit and Surety for its UK and Ireland retail arm. Tim has been with Gallagher since June 2026 and was previously Executive Director.
QBE has made three new appointments to its trade credit team. Sean McDonald and Leah Turner join QBE in commercial roles in QBE's Manchester office. Daniel Newman joins QBE's risk underwriting team in London.
Texel Group has announced that Hélène Heas and Davis Ng have joined its Singapore office as brokers. Hélène comes from Coface, where she served for nearly a decade, most recently as the Regional Head of Financial Institutions for APAC. Davis was Executive Director at Arcor Capital, where he led private capital transactions in Asia.
Tokio Marine HCC International has made two appointments to its UK trade credit business.
Fiona O'Brien has been promoted to Credit Risk Underwriting Manager. Fiona joined TMHCC in 2015 and was most recently employed as a Senior Underwriter.
Will O'Brien has been promoted to Risk Underwriter. Will joined Tokio Marine in 2021as a Credit Risk Analyst.
WTW has appointed Lasse Breede as Head of Trade Credit and Trade Finance Switzerland. Lasse joins WTW from Aon Switzerland, where his last role was Senior Broker and Account Executive.
Job Vacancies
Commercial Underwriter, Nexus Trade Credit
Manchester/North West or London
Nexus Trade Credit seeks a Commercial Underwriter to join our team and report into either our London or Manchester office. We are ideally looking for someone who has previous experience within the Trade Credit market. The candidate will be responsible for our Top-Up and Non-Can Limit renewals
portfolio primarily covering mid-to-large-sized clients.
Manage client portfolio of mid-to-large-sized clients and oversee renewals.
Develop relationships with brokers and insureds.
Evaluate submissions and underwrite policy terms.
Collaborate with the Risk team on key limit challenges.
Prepare pricing models and renew policies.
2+ years of experience in credit insurance or related industry.
Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent.
Knowledge of domestic and global economic trends.
Familiarity with credit insurance terminology and policy features.
Strong communication and MS Office skills.
Willingness to travel within the UK.
To Apply:
Please send your CV and covering letter to Caroline Walsh at cwalsh@kentrocapital.com
Privacy Policy: By submitting your CV, you agree to Nexus Underwriting's Privacy Policy.
Client Manager, Aon Credit Solutions
London, Reading or Chelmsford
Aon Credit Solutions is currently recruiting for a Client Manager to join our Credit Solutions Global Clients team located in our London, Reading or Chelmsford office.
This is a hybrid role providing flexibility to work both virtually and from our London, Reading or Chelmsford offices.
About Credit Solutions
Aon Credit Solutions offers a range of complementary solutions to protect businesses against trade credit risk, enhance business growth and facilitate access to trade finance.
We are the leading trade credit broker globally, with c. 90 people in seven locations across the UK
and Ireland, and 550 people in 57 countries around the world.
Aon is in the business of better decisions
At Aon, we shape decisions for the better to protect and enrich the lives of people around the world.
As an organization, we are united through trust as one inclusive, diverse team, and we are passionate about helping our colleagues and clients succeed.
Your responsibilities as a Client Manager within Aon Credit Solutions
Working within a multi skilled broking team, under instruction of Client Directors to support strategic and Global Client relationships, as well as ownership of own portfolio of clients.
Interacting with Clients, Insurers and Colleagues on day-to-day policy management activity including:
Managing credit limit process (applications, follow up, feedback to clients)
Supporting clients with non-payment notifications & liaising with insurers
Assisting with claims submission & broking process
Negotiation of policy wordings & ensuring timely delivery of accurate policy documentation
Management and monitoring of activity logs
Providing clients with training and guidance on policy terms and conditions
Gathering and analysing policy and market data, producing reports and presentations
Liaising with Colleagues across the Aon global network on Global Client programmes
Preparation for, and attendance of, Client and Insurer meetings/conference calls plus timely follow up of meeting notes and actions
Managing policy renewals within own portfolio and supporting Client Directors on renewal process for Global & strategic clients. Gathering and analysing statistical detail, submissions to market, pro-actively following up with insurers for indications of cover, presenting terms and preparation of renewal reports.
Introducing and supporting team on new business opportunities to achieve individual new business target.
Responsible for adherence to business processes, systems and procedures and all elements of compliance.
Skills and experience that will lead to success
Enthusiastic, self-motivated, willing to use own initiative
Pro-active handling of workflow through efficient time management and organisation
Competent in use of Microsoft Office and able to navigate IT systems/platforms
Ability to explore creative solutions and solve new problems as they arise
Acting with integrity and working in a way that positively impacts our Clients & Colleagues
How we support our colleagues
In addition to our comprehensive benefits package, we encourage a diverse workforce. Plus, our agile, inclusive environment allows you to manage your wellbeing and work/life balance, ensuring you can be your best self at Aon. Furthermore, all colleagues enjoy two “Global Wellbeing Days” each year, encouraging you to take time to focus on yourself. We offer a variety of working style solutions, but we also recognise that flexibility goes beyond just the place of work... and we are all for it. We call this Smart Working!
Our continuous learning culture inspires and equips you to learn, share and grow, helping you achieve your fullest potential. As a result, at Aon, you are more connected, more relevant, and more valued.
We provide individuals with disabilities reasonable accommodations to participate in the job application or interview process, to perform essential job functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment in accordance with applicable law. Please contact us to request an accommodation on ReasonableAdjustments@Aon.com.
Aon values an innovative, diverse workplace where all colleagues feel empowered to be their authentic selves. Aon is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace.
To apply: Apply online at https://jobs.aon.com/jobs/79846?lang=en-us&previousLocale=en-US. For information contact Lindsey Watson at lindsey.watson@aon.com.
Advocacy and Data Officer
Amsterdam Area
​ICISA is the global trade association representing trade credit insurers, sureties and their reinsurers. Our members operate worldwide to facilitate trade, commerce and investment by protecting against the risk of non-payment of trade receivables and the non-performance of contractual obligations. We represent our members by engaging with the public, governments and regulators to tell the story of our industry and its role in supporting economic activity worldwide. We do this through evidence-based engagement with stakeholders and the production of research and analysis on topics related to the sector. We provide members with a forum to share best practice, to learn from each other, and to innovate in response to the major challenges of today.
Job Purpose:
As a Policy and Advocacy Data Specialist, you will play a key role in shaping our data strategy as a foundation for thought leadership and advocacy. By working closely with the Executive Director and Head of Policy and Regulatory Affairs, you will support the continuous development and execution of our advocacy strategy, supporting members, and building our reputation and standing with key stakeholders.
Key Responsibilities:
1. Research & Insight Development
Collaborate with the Head of Policy and Regulatory Affairs to gain insights into regulatory and advocacy topics, member issues, and interests.
Conduct research on key topics, organize and host member-led meetings, and facilitate surveys.
Prepare high-quality oral and written briefings on key topics.
2. Data Collection & Analysis
Serve as the liaison for members regarding standard data collection.
Identify and collect additional data sources from the public domain for advocacy and PR purposes.
Analyse collected data, present findings both orally and in writing, and recommend methods for visualizing or presenting data effectively.
3. Advocacy Strategy Support
Assist in identifying key stakeholders, maintain a database of targets, and analyze stakeholder positions.
Assess and prioritize member concerns and share these priorities with colleagues and members.
4. Advocacy Execution
Plan and prepare for meetings with external stakeholders on various topics, including drafting preparatory content, presentations and briefings.
Collaborate with consultants, members, and partner associations to execute advocacy efforts, including preparing a range of content for different media.
Support engagement with key external stakeholders around the world to influence policy, regulation and to better position our industry on major economic issues.
5. Member Communication
Inform members about relevant developments, the impact of those developments, and the progress and outcomes of advocacy efforts.
Draft papers, letters, and articles, and mentor colleagues to ensure high-quality written communication.
Represent the association at events and meetings, providing advice and collecting member opinions.
Deliver presentations representing the opinion of the association on different topics to members, external stakeholders, and at industry conferences.
Key Performance Indicators:
High quality and usability of research outcomes.
Effective data analysis and clear presentation of findings.
Successful execution of advocacy strategies, including stakeholder engagement and regulatory influence.
Member satisfaction with the quality, clarity, and usability of information provided.
Knowledge and Experience Requirements:
Deep curiosity about trade, economics and geopolitical issues.
An ability to quickly comprehend complex information and translate it into actionable points.
Excellent command of spoken and written English; knowledge of additional languages is an asset.
Broad IT literacy and familiarity with qualitative and quantitative research.
Competence Profile:
Networking: Ability to build, maintain, and leverage functional contacts, sharing relevant information effectively.
Power of Persuasion: Strong diplomatic and negotiation skills, with the ability to influence external stakeholders and build trust.
Quality Approach: A commitment to producing precise, high-quality work with a focus on excellent outcomes.
Strategic and Conceptual Thinking: Independent thinker with the ability to assess information, provide clear analysis, and develop strategic actions.
Why Join Us?
Be at the forefront of advocacy in a dynamic industry.
Work closely with key stakeholders and contribute to shaping regulatory outcomes.
A supportive environment that encourages professional growth and development.
To Apply: Go to https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/4019761577/. For any questions about this position email secretariat@icisa.org.
ICISA is an equal opportunity employer. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees.
Events & Professional Development
​​SCHUMANN Conference on Digital Credit Risk Management, 12 September. online via live stream.
Our SCHUMANN Conference on Digital Credit Risk Management will take place online on 12 September. Experts from our customer and partner base will present their use cases and report on current challenges and the best strategies.
We are not limiting ourselves to one industry, because we are convinced that valuable insights and inspiration for you lie in cross-industry dialogue. That's why, in addition to financial service providers, industrial and wholesale companies, credit and surety insurers will also have their say!
Don't miss the keynote speeches by Janet Henry, Global Chief Economist at HSBC and Christiane von Berg, Head of Economic Research BeNeLux & DACH at Coface.
Register now! Participation is free of charge.
We look forward to seeing you!
Trade Credit Insurance Week 2024. ICISA Event. 8 October - 10 October 2024. Online.
Trade Credit Insurance week is a week of celebration of Trade Credit Insurance sector. With this event, ICISA aims at increasing awareness of the valuable economic role of TCI industry. Experts in the sector agreed to join our initiative and share their views on issues faced by the industry nowadays.
The event will take place between 7-10 October 2024. A total of 8 virtual sessions will be organized during the week, featuring debates, interviews, webinars and presentations.
The prgramme includes:
Net Zero: How insurance supports the path to net zero​. October 9th, 9:00 AM (BST)
All about data - Unlocking the future of trade, credit and risk​. October 9th, 2:00 PM (BST)
Trading on credit – how business view credit and how TCI proves its worth​. October 10th, 9:00 AM (BST)
The full programme with list of speakers can be downloaded at https://icisa.org/event/trade-credit-insurance-week-2024/.
Launching a New Credit Insurance Venture. 15 October 2024. Online.
Trade Finance Global (TFG) is set to host an exclusive roundtable webinar entitled "Launching a new credit insurance venture: a comprehensive guide." This virtual event will bring together top experts from the credit insurance industry to share insights on market entry, growth opportunities, and operational strategies.
Deepesh Patel, Editorial Director of TFG, will moderate the discussion, and will be joined by four distinguished panelists:
Stuart Lawson, Global Head at Aon Credit Solutions;
Marc Meyer, SVP Subject Matter Expert in Credit Insurance at Tinubu;
Carmine Mandola, Former CEO of CrediArc & Coface;
Tobias Powell, Head of Credit, Surety & Political Risks, SCOR P&C EMEA.
The webinar will highlight crucial aspects of launching and operating a credit insurance business. It will also explore recent trends in credit insurance, and opportunities in underserved markets.
The panellists will examine key considerations for market entry, financing and operational strategies, technological advancements, and digitalisation in the sector.
Attendees will gain valuable insights from case studies, including how SBI General Insurance Company Limited (SBIG) executed a successful diversification with a niche market positioning and Etihad Credit Insurance's strategy for SMEs in Dubai.
"This webinar will be your gateway to the future of credit insurance," said Deepesh Patel, Editorial Director at TFG. "It brings together industry titans to unpack the complexities of launching a credit insurance venture. From exploring untapped markets to leveraging cutting-edge technologies, we'll provide a roadmap for success in this dynamic field."
The event is open to everyone, from industry professionals and entrepreneurs to those simply interested in the credit insurance sector. Registration details are on the TFG website at at https://www.tradefinanceglobal.com/webinars/launching-a-new-credit-insurance-venture/.
Professional Development
STECIS, the Trade Credit Insurance & Surety Academy endorsed by ICISA, offers a range of
webinars and classroom training courses.
Classroom training courses are organised once or twice per year or on demand, while webinars
are organised multiple times per year or on demand for groups of participants.
The following courses have been planned for Q3/4 2024:​
24 & 25 September: The Trade Credit Insurance Advanced Course**
8 & 9 October: The Surety Bonds Foundation Course**
10 & 11 October: The Surety Bonds Advanced Course**
* Webinar
** Classroom
The courses are hosted by very experienced experts from the industry and there is plenty of opportunity for asking questions, discussion and networking. There is also the possibility of arranging in-house training (at your own offices or at a venue of choice) with a tailor-made program based on the training needs of your company.
Detailed information about the webinar and classroom training courses is available on Stecis’ website: www.stecis.org. Also, further information can be obtained by sending an e-mail to info@stecis.org.
About this month's Sponsor: Tinubu
Tinubu is the business facilitator and exchange enabler that delivers fluidity and simplicity to the insurance industry by using the strength of collective performance.
Our company is an alliance of technology software and insurance expertise offering the best combination to its clients. It covers the entire value chain of credit insurance & surety with one end-to-end platform, connecting every part of your business with one digital highway. Established in 2000 and headquartered in Paris, France, Tinubu is an independent software provider and employs 170 people, located in Paris, London, New York, Orlando, Singapore, and Montreal. Its clients represent 30 of the top 60 Credit & Surety underwriters worldwide.
Our vision: The lifeblood of insurance: Anticipating interactions from the core of the insurance industry.
Our promise: Multiplying possibilities: Connecting the value chain of insurance.