Welcome to the September 2023 issue of Credit Insurance News Digest.
Credendo sponsors this month's issue.
Credit Insurance News
Boohoo suppliers have their credit insurance cut. Retail Gazette reported that Allianz Trade has reduced or withdrawn cover for Boohoo suppliers. According to the article, which cites The Sunday Times, trade credit insurance cover has been cut by an average of 50%, with some suppliers to the fast fashion retailer having their coverage level cut to zero from September. This follows credit insurers cutting cover for fellow fast fashion giant Asos in May. A Boohoo spokesman told the newspaper: “With the credit insurance capacity less than 50% utilised, we wouldn’t expect any real impact from the reduction.” To read Retail Gazette's article go to https://www.retailgazette.co.uk/blog/2023/07/boohoo-credit-insurance/.
ABI reveals soaring trade credit insurance claims. Insurance Age reported that the Association of British Insurers (ABI) has calculated that member trade credit insurers in the UK received 5,300 claims for businesses in the first quarter of 2023 – up 81% on the same period last year. The ABI also noted that government figures show that company insolvencies in England and Wales in 2022 reached 22,109 – the highest number since 2009 and 57% higher than in 2021 -– and suggested that, "In these tough trading times, every firm, whatever their size, should be thinking about trade credit insurance." To read Insurance Age's article go to https://www.insuranceage.co.uk/insight/7953301/abi-reveals-soaring-trade-credit-claims.
Berne Union reports that 2022 was a robust year for short term export credit. The Berne Union's latest State of the Industry 2022 report notes that short-term (ST) trade credit insurance continues to grow. Europe remains the core market (51% of the total), with North America seeing the biggest increase – driven equally by public and private members. All Berne Union members' business lines experienced an increase in underwriting for the year, with ST increasing the most by value with an additional USD 96 billion (4%) in ST turnover business covered. While the private insurance market saw strong and consistent growth, with an increase of 10% in annual turnover covered since 2019 – in part a reflection of high rates of inflation – the picture was more mixed for ECAs. To read the Berne Union's report go to https://www.berneunion.org/Articles/Details/798/State-of-the-Industry-Report-2022-Published.
Do retailers need credit insurance – and what happens when it’s pulled? Retail Gazette has published an article examining the impact on retailers when trade credit insurance cover is withdrawn. The article reports that when Wilko's cover was withdrawn last year, it was "a pivotal moment in the retailer’s demise." Wilko's administration was subsequently announced in August. Other recent examples of retailers who have had their credit insurance reduced include Boohoo, Asos and Iceland. However, the article stresses that the withdrawal of credit insurance need not be fatal, and notes that many businesses, from New Look to Ao.com, have gone on to thrive after cover was cut. Atradius' Damian Dawson is widely quoted. To read Retail Gazette's article go to https://www.retailgazette.co.uk/blog/2023/08/retailers-credit-insurance/.
What is making the Canadian trade credit insurance market challenging? Insurance Business has reported that, according to Peter Graham, President of Red Rock Insurance Services, the Canadian trade credit insurance market is currently experiencing a tough period that has been driven by the high rate of cancellable coverage written within many policies. “It is currently at 90%, whereas in the United States, it is only at 50%. Carriers have the ability to come off risk, which ultimately creates these gaps in coverage.” He notes that other challenges include the legacy of COVID, "as enthusiasm for supporting a product line where the triggering event is insolvency was a hard sell." To read Insurance Business' article go to https://www.insurancebusinessmag.com/ca/news/breaking-news/what-is-making-the-canadian-trade-credit-insurance-market-challenging-456913.aspx.
ECAs report a lower demand for a number of short term trade credit insurance products. The Berne Union's Business Confidence Index for Q3 2023 has reported that overall demand for short-term export credit insurance has been subdued in 2023. ECAs have seen lower demand for a number of short term products (notably a decrease in applications for instalment and whole turnover cover), which, according to one Berne Union public provider, may be due to private sector insurers’ credit appetite returning to pre-COVID levels. Members also reported a considerable build-up of pre-claims situations for insurers in their short-term business in the first half. Consequently, Berne Union members advise that they are preparing for a jump in short-term claims paid. To read the Business Confidence Index go to https://www.berneunion.org/Articles/Details/796/Business-Confidence-Index-Q3-23-Published.
Trade credit insurers continue to report high levels of acceptance. Aon's latest Market Insights report for Q3 2023 highlights some of the key trends for the trade credit insurance market in 2023. Aon anticipates that trade credit insurers' revenue growth will continue to decelerate during 2023 while the claims environment steadily normalises to the pre-pandemic levels of 2019. Although large severity losses, which, by their nature, are difficult to predict, are increasing (with some notable cases affecting the market), insurers’ appetite and capacity remain at a high level -– albeit levelling off. Carriers also continue to report high levels of acceptance at approximately 75% and remain very supportive globally with some selectivity, e.g. watching the retail and construction sectors closely, which are seen as leading indicators for the overall economy. To read Aon's report go to https://insights.aon.com/aons-credit-solutions-q3-2023-insights/.
Coface rolls out its credit management platform across the Nordics. GTR (Global Trade Review) has reported that Coface is set to launch its digital trade credit risk management platform, Alyx, across the entire Nordics region after initially going live in Denmark and Norway. Coface says a rollout in Sweden and Finland will follow in the coming months. In a soft launch in May, the product was also offered to corporate clients in France and Germany, ahead of renewals season in the insurance sector. Speaking to GTR, Coface’s global head of digital partnerships, Theo van der Ha, says the platform is intended to save clients time and effort when managing trade credit insurance. To read GTR's article go to https://www.gtreview.com/news/europe/coface-rolls-out-credit-management-platform-across-the-nordics/.
The Berne Union reports that short term (ST) claims in 2022 remained USD 1 billion lower than in 2019. The Berne Union State of the Industry report for 2022 notes that overall ST claims fell 11% to USD 2.1 billion in 2022 compared to the previous year and, despite higher underwriting volumes, remain USD 1 billion lower than in 2019. Regionally, the CIS region saw the largest increase (+ USD 229 million), with a notable uptick in European claims (+ USD 118 million) driven by a 729% increase in Russia following the Invasion of Ukraine. LATAM saw the largest decrease (- USD 282 million) despite higher volumes of business. Most regions experienced a lower Claims Ratio in 2022. Notable exceptions include the spike in the claims ratio for the CIS region, which was driven by declining new business alongside elevated claims. To read the Berne Union's report go to https://www.berneunion.org/Articles/Details/798/State-of-the-Industry-Report-2022-Published.
Leveraging trade credit insurance in a post-Brexit, post-pandemic world. Trade Finance Global (TFG) has published an article in which Sarah Murrow, CEO of Allianz Trade UK & Ireland, explains how trade credit insurance can help UK companies grow export revenues safely at a time of heightened credit risk. Sarah comments that trade credit insurance is "an incredible product" that can help offset increased levels of credit exposure in existing markets, allows businesses to supplement their credit risk assessment and enables its policyholders to access higher amounts of funding or potentially access funding at better terms. She also lists some of Allianz Trade's initiatives and offers for exporters. To read TFG's article go to https://www.tradefinanceglobal.com/posts/allianz-international-expansion-leveraging-trade-credit-insurance-post-brexit-post-pandemic-world/.
Allianz Trade launches business fraud insurance. Allianz Trade has launched a standalone fraud insurance product to help businesses combat the post-pandemic rise in employee fraud and external scams in the UK. The new product covers internal fraud by employees, as well as robbery, burglary, intercepted payments, payments made on the basis of a forged ‘order’, and impersonation fraud. According to Allianz Trade, recent research has shown that 50% of UK businesses have been victims of fraud in the past two years. To read Allianz Trade's news release, go to https://www.allianz-trade.com/en_GB/newsroom/allianz-trade-launches-business-fraud-insurance.html.
Key developments in regulation and policy that impact the trade credit insurance and surety sectors. ICISA has published an article that examines some of the key developments in regulation and policy that impact the trade credit insurance and surety sectors. This includes an examination of the ongoing discussions in Europe on insurance and banking rules, as well as the prominence of questions about systemic risk and sustainability. The report references Solvency II, discussions on the implementation of updated Basel standards into regulatory frameworks, the advancement of the Insurance Capital Standard by the IAIS, the recently published feasibility study on an EU export credits strategy, and the International Chamber of Commerce’s ongoing Digital Standards Initiative. To read ICISA's article go to https://icisa.org/news/what-you-need-to-know-about-regulation-in-2023-so-far/.
TFG Distribution Finance partners with Allianz Trade. Trade Finance Global (TFG) has announced that it has launched TFG Distribution Finance and partnered with Allianz Trade -- which is contributing to TFG's initiative by insuring relevant trade and receivables assets. TFG notes that the $2 trillion global trade finance gap – which has risen from $1.7 trillion in 2020 – is a significant barrier to international trade, particularly impacting mid-market companies and SMEs. TFG Distribution Finance will not only work with global banks, but also invite traditional institutional investors, non-bank lenders, and alternative credit funds to participate in the trade finance market. To read TFG's article go to https://www.tradefinanceglobal.com/posts/tfg-distribution-finance-goes-live-executes-first-trade-transaction/.
Industry Perspectives: Default risk in the new environment. GTR (Global Trade Review) has published a Q&A in which Ian Chow, Coface’s regional product manager of business information for Asia Pacific, outlines how default risk assessment is changing in the new environment, how Coface's product URBA can help companies make more informed decisions, why Coface has developed URBA and is expanding its trade credit insurance offering to business information, and how URBA is different compared to other business information products in the market. To read GTR's article go to https://www.gtreview.com/news/sponsored-statement/industry-perspectives-default-risk-in-the-new-environment/.
Corporate insolvencies in Ireland – a normalisation or an avalanche? Coface economist, Jonathan Steenberg, has published a blog examining the reasons behind the rise in corporate insolvencies in Ireland. He notes that the number of corporate insolvencies rose by 30% year-on-year and is now 6% higher than in H1 2019, driven by high-interest rates, increased costs and sluggish demand, as well as 'zombie' companies kept alive in recent years thanks to government support, and a delay in the rise of insolvencies caused by the end of COVID support legislation. However, although Coface expects corporate insolvencies in Ireland to rise between 26-36% year-on-year in 2023, he suggests that the numbers are only normalising in 2023 – not progressing to an avalanche yet. To read the blog go to https://cofaceitfirst.co.uk/credit-management-2/.
The recent heatwave may have cost 0.6% of GDP. According to a new report by Allianz Trade, an initial ‘back of the envelope’ calculation suggests that the recent heatwave across the US, Southern Europe, and China may have had a notable negative impact on GDP. According to the report, results show that China, Spain and Greece may have lost around 1% of GDP from the current heatwave, while Italy’s loss is 0.5%, and the US lost 0.3%. Overall, the heatwave’s global toll is close to 0.6% of GDP growth for 2023. Allianz Trade also notes that the relationship between GDP growth and natural catastrophes is highly nonlinear for disaster intensity. For example, a disaster in the top 1% of the disaster index distribution might reduce the GDP growth rate by 7%, while a disaster in the top 5% of the distribution reduces it by only 0.5%. To read Allianz Trade's report go to https://www.allianz-trade.com/en_global/news-insights/economic-insights/Global-boiling-Heatwave-cost.html.
The global economy is moving towards low but positive growth in 2023 and 2024. Atradius' latest Global Economic Outlook (July 2023) suggests that global GDP growth is forecast to slow to 2.2% in 2023 from 3.1% in 2022. However, despite the slowdown, the 2023 forecast is significantly better than Atradius expected six months ago. In tandem with slower economic growth, Atradius also forecasts that global trade growth will slow to 1.9% in 2023 from 3.2% in 2022. Again, this is better than previously expected due to more resilient than anticipated GDP growth in the US and eurozone, while China’s reopening has also had a beneficial impact. For 2024, Atradius predicts a slight recovery of trade growth to 2.5% in 2024, with global GDP growth of 2.1% growth. To read Atradius' report release go to https://atradius.co.uk/reports/economic-research-economic-outlook-july-2023.html.
The world economy is slowing down: New trends in country risks: AU G-Grade Q3 2023. AU Group has released its latest AU 'G-Grade' for Q3 2023. The AU 'G-Grade' is based on the individual assessment of a country by each of the four largest credit insurers (Atradius, Coface, Credendo and Allianz Trade) and is calculated according to the real risk these insurers take collectively. Also, the IMF Statistics Department's seven key indicators give a view of the key trends and the level of risk per country. This issue advises that, with global growth estimated at 3.0% in 2023 and in 2024 (for the record, it was 6% in 2021 and 3.5% in 2022 – source IMF), the world economy is slowing down. Significant downgrades in the third quarter of 2023 include Bolivia (from 8 to 8.75), Burkina Faso (from 8.75 to 9.2), Ecuador, Uganda and Kenya (from 7 to 7.5). To download a copy go to https://www.au-group.com/au-g-grade-q3-2023/.
Coface announces a very good start to 2023. Trade credit insurance rose +11.2%, driven by increased client activity and growth in fee and commission income (+11.3%). Client retention stood at a record high (94.4%), and while the price effect was still negative (-2.0%), this was less so than in H1-22. Xavier Durand, Coface’s Chief Executive Officer, commented: "Over the past quarter, Coface’s results amounted to €68 million, a high level reflecting our proactive management of an increasing loss environment and tight cost control. The combined ratio for the quarter stands at 65.5% under the new IFRS 17 accounting standards. Our strong performance is also reflected in the growth of services, such as business information, which recorded another quarter of double-digit increase (+14.8% during the first semester)." To read Coface's news release go to https://www.coface.com/News-Publications/News/Coface-confirms-its-very-good-start-to-the-year-with-first-half-net-income-of-128.8m.
Australian businesses report a 12% increase in overdue invoices during the past year. Atradius' latest Payment Practices Barometer for Australia has noted that an increasingly risk-averse approach to trading on credit was evident among companies polled. Sales transacted on credit with B2B customers declined sharply and now average 41% of all B2B sales compared to 57% last year. Payment terms granted to B2B customers now average 23 days, compared to 37 days last year. The survey also found an average 12% increase in overdue invoices during the past year, with 47% of the total value of B2B sales on credit remaining unpaid at the due date. To read Atradius' news release go to https://atradius.co.uk/reports/payment-practices-barometer-b2b-payment-practices-trends-australia-2023.html.
The Eurozone and the US will need 1.3pp and 1.5pp of additional GDP growth on average in 2023-2024 to stabilise the number of insolvencies. Aon's latest Market Insights report for Q3 2023 warns that the rebound in business insolvencies is picking up speed, and business insolvencies are predicted to exceed pre-pandemic levels in many countries during 2023. Citing The Allianz Global Insolvency Index, Aon notes that half of the countries analysed are likely to exceed their pre-pandemic levels of insolvencies in 2023 and three out of five in 2024. Aon notes that it is estimated that the Eurozone and the US would need 1.3pp and 1.5pp of additional GDP growth on average in 2023-2024 to stabilise the number of insolvencies. To read Aon's report go to https://insights.aon.com/aons-credit-solutions-q3-2023-insights/.
Xenia Broking: Q&A with Adam Smith, Business Development Executive. As part of their Coffee Cup Corner series, Xenia Broking has published a Q&A in which Business Development Executive, Adam Smith, describes how he got into the credit insurance sector, what he most enjoys about his role and what his typical day looks like. Reflecting on how the job has changed since he joined Xenia last year, he notes that insurers are still maintaining a good level of risk appetite, and premium rates are still very competitive despite increasing claims. Furthermore, "potential clients are becoming more receptive to the concept of credit insurance if they haven’t used it before in comparison to when I started." To read Xenia Broking's Q&A go to https://xeniabroking.com/news-and-insights/coffee-cup-corner-q-a-with-adam-smith-business-development-executive.
Australia: NCI's trade credit insurance claims rose by 29% in Q2. The latest NCI Trade Credit Risk Index (TCRI), which measures a combination of trade credit insurance claims data, collection activity, credit limit decisions and overdue accounts, increased in Q2 2023 and reached its highest level since the September quarter 2020 (during some of the most severe effects of the COVID pandemic lockdowns). In the June quarter, the number of claims lodged for credit insurance rose by 29% to 438, with the value of those claims up 63% to $56.3 million reflecting several large claims. The Australian building and hardware sectors had the biggest claims, both in number and value. There was also a relatively large number of claims for manufacturing and electrical firms. To read NCI's news release go to https://www.nci.com.au/business-insurance-claims-rise-in-the-june-quarter/.
Payment behaviour remains in relatively good shape in Germany, but companies are very pessimistic about their business outlook. Coface's latest payment survey of German companies has found that the general preference for short credit terms in Germany remained unchanged: more than half of the surveyed companies requested payments to be made within 30 days in 2023, while ultra-long credit terms (120+ days) remained rare. However, although payment behaviour remains "in relatively good shape", companies are very pessimistic about their business outlook, with only 13% of participants thinking that their situation is better than in 2022 and 41% believing it is worse. For 2024, only 20% of participants expect a recovery for their business, while 28% are preparing for an even worse outlook. To read Coface's news release, with a link to the full report, go to https://www.coface.com/News-Publications/News/On-the-way-back-to-the-bad-old-times-in-2023-s-Germany-Payment-Survey.
Asia is driving global growth but other regions struggle. Atradius' latest Global Economic Outlook (July 2023) suggests that emerging market economies (EMEs) will outperform advanced counterparts in terms of GDP growth in 2023 and 2024, even if activity remains subdued by historical standards. Atradius forecasts that EMEs GDP growth will be 3.9% this year overall and 3.8% in 2024. "Not great, but not awful in the circumstances." However, the headline figures mask some major regional differences. Atradius predicts that China and India will enjoy GDP growth of 5.1% and 6% respectively 2023, for example, while Brazil’s GDP will stay below 2% and South Africa will barely record any growth at all. To read Atradius' news release, with a link to the full report, go to https://group.atradius.com/press/atradius-news/asia-driving-global-growth-but-other-regions-struggle.html.
July's ICISA Insider is available to download. A new edition of The ICISA Insider is now available. This issue features an interview in which Benoît des Cressonnières from Allianz Trade, the new President of ICISA, provides an update on the discussions held during the second ICISA AGM Week. In addition, guest writers cover a wide range of topics, such as Non-traditional credit (re-)insurance and assessing risks and claims in trade credit insurance. To download the issue go to https://icisa.org/news/the-icisa-insider-july-2023/.
Allianz Trade approves CreditRiskMonitor as a Discretionary Credit Limit report provider. CreditRiskMonitor and Allianz Trade have announced the approval of CreditRiskMonitor as a Discretionary Credit Limit (DCL) report provider in the US. The information provided by CreditRiskMonitor will supplement Allianz Trade’s own information regarding companies. For more information go to https://www.creditriskmonitor.com/resources/press-releases/creditriskmonitor-approved-allianz-trade-discretionary-credit-limit.
NCI Trade Credit Solutions recently held its annual Underwriter Awards night in Melbourne, Australia. This year, Nathan McQuade of Allianz Trade won the Underwriter of the Year Award, followed by:
Equal second: Mark Mentha – Coface
Equal second: Andrew Donnelly – Trade Credit Underwriting Agency (TCUA)
Third: Annie-May Paties – Atradius
Kirk Cheesman, Group Managing Director at NCI commented that “the night is not just about one winner, but about highlighting the joint efforts of all in the industry, and maybe most importantly, it’s about bringing everyone together for an evening where they can enjoy with their industry colleagues”
For a Video summary of the event: https://vimeo.com/850802654/3002fbd97b.
New Appointments
Allianz Trade has announced that Stephen Bramall has been promoted to Credit Director for the UK and Ireland, reporting to CEO Sarah Murrow. Stephen was most recently Group Head of Risk Underwriting, strategy and steering and replaces Andrew Dodson, who has been appointed Allianz Trade’s Global Credit Director for Excess of Loss.
Allianz Trade in Asia Pacific has announced the appointment of Chris Markesteijn as Regional Head of Surety and Guarantees, replacing Christopher Shortell, who is assuming the role of Surety Services Director at Allianz Trade in the Americas. Chris will be based in Singapore and report directly to Paul Flanagan, the Regional CEO of Allianz Trade in Asia Pacific, and Sean McGroarty, Global Head of Surety.
Attis Credit Solutions has promoted Nathan Brown to Client Director. Natan joined Attis in October 2021, and was previously Client Manager. Nathan joined Attis from Aon, where he was also a Client Manager.
BPL Global has appointed seasoned banking professional Riz Sheikh to develop BPL Global’s Significant Risk Transfer (SRT) offering. Riz was previously at NatWest as Director of Capital Management and Portfolio Risk Mitigation, overseeing the bank's commercial division's SRT and credit risk insurance platforms. BPL Global has also announced that Steve Gandy will also join on a consultancy basis. Steve was formerly Santander’s Head of Private Debt Mobilisation at the corporate and investment banking arm.
C&C Insurance Brokers Limited has appointed Natalie McGrail as an Account Executive. Natelie was previously a Commerical Account Handler at Reich Insurance Group.
Coface has promoted Tobias Engelbauer to Director Mid Market Germany, responsible for the Accounts and the New Business with Coface's Broker, Partner & Direct channels in Germany. Tobias has worked for Coface for over eight years and was previously Head of Direct Business.
Everest Reinsurance has announced the appointment of Marco Schiattone as global head of financial risk. Marco joins from PartnerRe, where he led the financial risk business for Latin America and Southern Europe. He is also the product leader for PartnerRe's Medium-Long Term Credit and Political Risks portfolio.
FinCredit IS has appointed Maggie Brotherson as Associate Director. Maggie Joins FinCred IS from Konsileo. Prior to that, she worked as Divisional Partner atr Rycroft Associates.
Marsh has promoted Steve Howells to Growth Leader Credit Specialties Europe Steve has been with March since June 2018 and was previously Head of Trade Credit – Central and Eastern Europe. He is bsed in Prague.
SCOR has appointed Eoghan Burke as an Underwriter - Political and Credit Risk, based in London. Eoghan joins from Marsh, where he was Vice President – Political Risk & Structured Credit.
Job Vacancies
Commercial Underwriter, Rearsby, Leicester or London
Reporting to: Director of Credit
Hours: 35 per week (3 days in the office, 2 days working from home)
Why Tokio Marine HCC?
Standing still is not an option in the current world of Insurance. TMHCC are one of the world’s leading Specialty Insurers. With deep expertise in our chosen lines of business, our unparalleled track record and a solid balance sheet, TMHCC evaluates and manages risk like no one else in the industry. Looking beyond profit, empowering our people and delivering on our commitments are at the core of our customer values, and so is a desire to grow and provide creative and innovative solutions to our clients.
Job Purpose:
Underwriting credit insurance policies for all industry sectors including construction. Underwriting of performance bonds for the construction and other industries.
Key Responsibilities:
Managing the specialist broker channel within the SME portfolio.
Assessing, pricing and structuring new business opportunities
Working as a New Business team to achieve an annual new business premium target
Assisting in the overall portfolio profitability targets by binding profitable and renewable business
Building and maintaining relationships with specialist and general brokers; working proactively to identify opportunities
Undertaking varied Marketing activities to highlight the Credit brand, demonstrate core strengths, and drive new business opportunities
Working with and providing appropriate training and support to technical and administrative staff colleagues
Assisting the Underwriting Director, Credit as required
General Activities
Assessing, pricing and structuring new business opportunities; using varied assessment tools, including claims ratio calculations, excess calculations, and a pricing model.
Discussing terms with brokers; presenting and negotiating terms with brokers to secure policy recommendations
Working and meeting with brokers regularly to proactively develop opportunities outside of renewal submissions, both existing insured and uninsured opportunities
Working within allocated authority levels, based on skills and experience and referring upwards beyond these levels to secure agreement within the company’s authorisations
Attending new business presentations and pitches, highlighting the Credit business strengths and USPs and tailoring to specific opportunities
Liaison with and training of internal team of technical and administrative support colleagues
Maintaining accurate records of meetings and correspondence including action points and ensuring all actions are promptly followed up
Respond to internal queries
Liaison with Risk Underwriting, CRD and Claims Departments, providing regular market feedback received across all areas
Assisting with departmental specification for IT developments including assisting with testing and training of departmental staff
Skills and Experience Specification:
Credit Underwriting experience
Presentation and Negotiation skills
Excellent customer service and telephone skills
Excellent organizational skills
Educated to A level standard or equivalent
Good IT skills including data input, Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook
Good standard of written English
Educated to degree level or equivalent by experience
Minium 3yrs experience within Credit, with a consistent record of achieving budgets, working successfully with the broking market, and demonstrating decision-making and analysis skills
ABI / ICM Certificate in Credit Insurance
CII or ICM qualifications
Experience of managing a portfolio of credit insurance customers or brokers
Strong logic / mathematical skills
What We Offer
The Tokio Marine HCC Group of Companies offers a competitive salary and employee benefit package. We are a successful, dynamic organization experiencing rapid growth and are seeking energetic and confident individuals to join our team of professionals. The Tokio Marine HCC Group of companies is an equal opportunity employer. Please visit www.tmhcc.com for more information about our companies.
The Tokio Marine HCC Group of companies is an equal opportunity employer. Please visit www.tmhcc.com for more information about our companies.
For the vacancy in Rearsby, Leicester please go to https://jobs.jobvite.com/tmhcc/job/o9sfofwY.
For the vacancy in London please go to https://jobs.jobvite.com/tmhcc/job/ofsfofw4.
Events & Professional Development
Asia: Export & Natural Resources Finance 2023, 20-21 September 2023. Singapore.
TXF's largest Asian export, commodities & project finance event returns in September 2023.
Export finance in the region was booming with 2022 seeing the return of international business to Singapore Asia topped the global regional table in the first half of the year. Once again
Meet over 400 borrowers, exporters, project sponsors, developers, financiers, DFIs, government representatives, insurers, law firms, ECAs and more at this all-new networking super-highway! Plus a dedicated CPRI stream.
Special offers available — email marketing@exilegroup.com to enquire.
Click here for details.
Trade Credit Insurance Week, Trade 2-5 October. Online.
Credit Insurance Week is a week of celebration of the Trade Credit Insurance sector. With this event, ICISA aims to increase awareness of the valuable economic role of the TCI industry. Experts in the sector will share their views on issues faced by the industry nowadays during 8 virtual sessions featuring debates, interviews, webinars and presentations.
The event will take place between 2 - 5 October 2023 and is free of charge.
Click here for details.
Africa 2023: Export & Natural Resources Finance, 24-25 October. The Westin Cape Town, South Africa.
Taking place in October 2023, this is an unmatched opportunity to end the year on a high and start 2024 with new connections, crucial business intelligence insights and get ahead of the competition. Without anything quite like it in the market right now, this unique free offering will bring you the best of all things export, project, commodities & development finance.
Special offers available — email marketing@exilegroup.com to enquire.
Click here for details
MENA Supply Chain Finance 2023, 7-8 November, Dubai.
ICC UAE is partnering with @bcr to bring you the second annual MENA Supply Chain Finance
conference on 7-8 November, in Dubai Chambers.
The first line of speakers, who we are happy to introduce today, is as follows:
•Anurag Chaudhary, CEO, Pinnacle Trade Finance
Betül Kurtulus, Regional Director for Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe and the
Middle East, FCI
Doaa Hafez, General Manager, Head of Technical Functions & Alternate Head of
International Factoring, Egypt Factors, Executive Committee Member, FCI
Elat Niyas, Treasury Manager, Al Masaood
Lionel Taylor, Managing Director, Trade Advisory Network
Maninder Bhandari, Director, Derby Group
Richard Wulff, Executive Director, ICISA - International Credit Insurance & Surety
Shamila Ashiq, Regional Senior Legal Counsel, MENA Global Trade & Receivables
Finance, HSBC
Shereen Elansary, Head of Supply Chain Finance & Custody Division, Qatar National Bank
Syed Imtiaz Hussain, Regional Head of Product and Propositions, Global Trade and
Receivables Finance (GTRF), HSBC
Syed Khurrum Zaeem, Head of Trade & Working Capital and Transaction Banking, Africa
and the Middle East, Standard Chartered Bank
Yusuf Ali Khan, Managing Director Head of Trade and Working Capital Solutions for
Middle East, North Africa and Pakistan, Citi
Ayman Allam, Former Director of Operations, Roche Middle East
Register today to get your Early Bird ticket: https://bcrpub.com/events/mena-supply-chain-finance-2023.
Click here for details.
SCHUMANN Connect, Network Event. 16 November, London.
You are invited to the SCHUMANN CONNECT! event! Be part of our exclusive networking event for trade credit & surety insurers, brokers and trade finance managers on 16 November in London!
Underwriting in trade credit insurance and surety business is undergoing change. We will discuss with experts what demands the market is placing on digitalisation. Speakers from Allianz Trade, Nexus and Gracher, among others, will be there to discuss with us the possibilities of future-oriented digital solutions that are urgently needed for the competitiveness and sustainability of modern insurance companies.
These will be our topics:
Intelligent Underwriting Assistance
Benefits of Automated and Lean Processes
Annual Financial Statement Analysis in the Digital Age
Actual Trends in the Surety Industry
Register now! Participation is free of charge.
Don't miss the opportunity to exchange ideas with colleagues from the insurance and trade finance sectors.
Thursday, 16 November 2023, from 4 pm
citizenM Tower of London, 40 Trinity Square, London EC3N 4DJ
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Export & Project Finance Dealmakers Assembly 2023, 21-22 November 2023. Berlin, Germany.
After the resounding success of our seminal event last year, in October 2023, we head to Germany for the highly anticipated second edition of the TXF Export Finance Dealmakers Assembly, a conference turned upside down. The event's primary focus will be on securing those all-important meetings, strengthening ties with existing clients and forging new connections. The Dealmakers Assembly will be a conference like none you've attended before. A completely unique and innovative event format focused on deal origination, networking and meeting rooms galore. Discounts are available on bookings of 2 or more — email marketing@exilegroup.com to enquire.
Click here for details.
The 9th Alternative and Receivables Finance Forum, 28-29 November, London.
As the financial landscape continues to evolve, alternative receivables finance has emerged as a
crucial component of business operations. The 9th Alternative and Receivables Finance Forum
(ARF23) aims to bring together experts, innovators, and thought leaders from various sectors to
discuss and share insights on alternative receivables finance models, strategies, and best practices.
Join our partner BCR Publishing for this essential industry event on 28-29 November at the London
offices of Clifford Chance.
For the programme and registration click here.
Professional Development
STECIS, the Trade Credit Insurance & Surety Academy endorsed by ICISA, offers a range ofwebinars and classroom training courses.
Classroom training courses are organised once or twice per year or on demand while webinars
are organised multiple times per year or on demand for groups of participants.
For 2023 the following courses are scheduled.
31 October & 1 November: The Trade Credit Insurance Foundation Course*
2 & 3 November: The Trade Credit Insurance Advanced Course*
* Both course are confirmed to be run as the minimal number of participants has been reached already.
For 2024 the following courses have been planned in Q1:
26 & 27 February: The Surety Bonds Foundation Course
28 & 29 February: The Surety Bonds Advanced Course.
All classroom courses will take place in the Steigenberger Airport Hotel close to Schiphol Airport/Amsterdam the Netherlands. The courses include lunches and a dinner at the end of the first training day. The courses are hosted by very experienced experts from the industry and there is enough opportunity for asking questions, discussions and networking.
Also, there is the possibility of arranging in-house training: then there will be created a tailor-made outline for your staff based on the training demands of your company. The training will be effected at your own offices or at a venue of choice.
Detailed information about the webinar and classroom training courses is available on Stecis’ website: www.stecis.org. Also, further information can be obtained by sending an e-mail to info@stecis.org.
About our Sponsor: Credendo
Credendo - Guarantees & Speciality Risks is the "one-shop stop" for specialized trade credit insurance solutions and surety. Our mission is to help corporates to secure projects and existing business with tailor-made and non-cancellable coverage against a wide range of commercial and political risks and creates new business opportunities through a wide range of surety bonds and guarantees for domestic and cross-border contracts.
Credendo - Guarantees & Speciality Risks combines three strategic business lines that complement well: Excess of Loss and Top up, Single Risk and Surety bonds. These products play an instrumental role in helping companies to find the adequate solution when traditional credit insurance does not provide the necessary level of protection against high-risk exposures, medium-long tenors, specific risk situation, etc...
In addition to its head office in Belgium, Credendo – Guarantees & Speciality Risks operates through branches across Europe: Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Poland, the Netherlands, Spain, and Switzerland. We address needs from large international corporates as well as from SMEs, which can have direct access to surety bonds through our digital platform "Credendo Booster".